Appalachian Antique Hardwoods

Backwoods Bark™ and HaleyBark™

We didn’t invent the use of tree bark for home building…we just perfected it. Backwoods Bark™ is based on the time-tested, pioneer proven principle of using tree bark for weatherboarding in dwellings. Tree bark was first used by Native Americans in the Appalachian Mountain region. This creative building accent offers the user of indigenous materials to accurately represent mountain cultural style and adds rustic appeal to any home.

This is the bark siding product of choice for those who want to enjoy a 100% maintenance free home exterior for generations to come. Our high grading standards for Backwoods Bark™ have resulted in the only independent laboratory tested and professionally engineered product of its kind on the market today.  After hand-peeling, we use our proprietary kiln technology to dry the bark, then laser straight line and square each piece, resulting in unmatched quality.  While other bark companies recommend galvanized nails as bark fasteners, we have proven that our patented BarkLock™screw fastener system allows for almost twice the wind rating AND you never have to see the nail heads.  Our commitment to a higher quality finished product with a lower installed cost is what makes Backwoods Bark™ the country’s leading bark siding product.


For those desiring the subtle brown color tones with the natural bark texture, HaleyBark™ is the product of choice.  This mechanically-planed bark is smooth to the touch, dust free, and offers classic styling.